Webcam with live images of White-tailed Eagle's nest in Oostvaardersplassen
If you want to see live images from a White-tailed Eagle's nest with one young bird (Sea Eagle or Zeearend in Dutch, belonging to the family of Bald Eagles), just click here. The Dutch national forestry, who owns the reserve Oostvaardersplassen, has put up a webcam that allows the nesting eagles to be followed. Sometimes you can't see any images due to too many web visitors - don't give up if that's the case, just try again! Not when it is night here in the Netherlands, of course ;-)"On May 22, 2006 it was announced that a pair of White-tailed Eagles was breeding in a nature reserve Oostvaardersplassen in the Netherlands. They arrived naturally, not as a reintroduction. This is the first time the bird has bred in the Netherlands in modern times. Early in 2007 the eagles returned to their nest." (Wikipedia)
Yesterday I went to Oostvaardersplassen with my colleagues from Ark Boeken Publishing House (our yearly day out / fun day for team building). On this blog and on my photo blog I will upload some pics soon. Stay tuned!
- You can also have a look at the images from Google by clicking on this word: "Oostvaardersplassen" And if you just can't get enough - enjoy these fantastic pics taken in this nature reserve by photographer Vincent Wigbels (see also this site and this information in English)
- For some more exciting bird news from my own street - see below!
- And you can see many birds on webcams with live feeds here
- No Privacy for birds, I'm afraid... On this website called 'Beleef de lente' (Experience Spring) you can watch 6 different birds and their nests and you can listen to them too! (Falcons, Owls, Storks and Swallows). Double click on the images on this page if you want to switch over to full screen. Press Escape if you want to return to the standard page.
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