Monday, July 30, 2007

Taking it slow

Posts have been sparse lately - but life still goes on all the same!
I am planning to answers Art's interview questions later this week and that will be my last blog entry for a while. We will take a short vacation next week (destination Sauerland Germany) and I hope to be back later in August. Auf Wiedersehen!


Anonymous said...

Ah, family time! The vacation sounds nice. Have you been practicing your Deutsch? Remember to be polite and say danke and bitte!

Have a wonderful time (and get lots of photos!)

Anonymous said...


Your posts will be missed. But we all need some rest. Have a good vacation.

Maybe when you get back the next island vist can be Easter Island?

John said...


Glad to hear all is well and equally glad to hear you are taking a break. I feel certain you will return refreshed and renewed. "God is never flattered by our sanctified exhaustion." (Calvin Miller, Into the Depths).

Enjoy your rest. We will look forward to your return.

Carolanne said...

That's a long time away - I will miss you!

Have a fantastic time together!!!