Friday, June 15, 2007

Father's Day is coming

A son asked his father to go running, cycling and swimming with him. The father looked at his son and said yes.
Now do you want to know what grace looks like? Just turn on your speakers, watch this video and make sure you have a tissue handy.

Check out the Team Hoyt website. Also watch this clip to find out more about this inspiring father-son story from Dick and Rick Hoyt.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing story of love, grace, and dedication. I've long been amazed at the commitment of triathletes in their training and "stick-to-it-tiveness." For a man to want to spend the time and energy in triathlon training - and then to want to include his son in every moment of that - is more than amazing.

You're right. I cried, and I'm having an incredibly difficult time expressing myself!!

Thank you for sharing this story of two amazing men.

John said...


How amazing is it that I utilized this very story in my sermon this morning! I tagged it with the story of David and Mephibosheth in 2 Sam 9 and then showed the video. Not many dry eyes and even fewer hearts that remained unmoved. It was a special moment of worship.

Seeing Rick cross the finish line solely on the strength of his father and to see him celebrate puts me in mind of a coming celebration for all of us who believe.